
Amadea™️ Designs


Angela has built an online jewelry business that employs women coming from the prison system or sex trade industry. Our mission at Amadea™️ Designs is to provide a loving and supportive work environment for these women as they learn and grow in their job skills and work ethics.


Founder, Angela Yarborough, saw a need for these women, since they were not easily employed in the workplace. Most lacked skills to obtain and hold a fulfilling job. We help them build a solid resume that will allow them to transition to a job that fits their God-given gifts and purpose.

By supporting our company, you are providing a job for these women that will have a lasting impact on their future. While growing in their work ethics, they are also developing a sense of who God created them to be. These women are truly transformed as they develop confidence in their abilities to co-create with God and begin a different story.
